Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank You, St. Anthony

Yes, I had a wonderful weekend in Warm Mineral Springs.

As the time approached for me to leave on Sunday evening, I began collecting my laundry and other belongings to load into my car. Rather, I should say, the Prius my brother lent me for the trip. But, before I went out I attempted to locate the key fob.

The fob is a magical square of plastic, circuitry and metal. As long as you have it about your person, it will operate the ignition and locking systems on the car. No need for a key. But, if you don’t have it, you are SOL.

As you have already figured out, I performed a fruitless search on Sunday evening. I reran the weekend over in my mind and thought that the most likely place that it might be was back over at the Springs. It being after the close of business, I figured that forces were conspiring to not let me leave that night, as I had forgotten about a burned out headlight. So, I settled in for another lovely evening and ran over in the morning.

We did not find it. So back to the house, to empty every bag and makeup pouch again. I looked in the bathroom and down in the coach, and under the couch. Nothing.

If you have ever lost something, you may have used the Prayer to St Anthony to locate the missing item. If not, you may want to take a moment to memorize this little appeal my friend said out load:

“St. Anthony, St. Anthony please come around. Something’s lost that cannot be found.”

Not 5 seconds later, I found the fob under the bed. (She had added the request that we find it in the next 10 seconds.)

It always seems to work for me. So, try it the next time things are not where you left them. Or, tell us about when it worked for you.


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